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We live in an ever-changing world in a truly global society. The college application process is no different; today’s students have choices, opportunities, and challenges that students 20 years ago — or even five years ago — could only have imagined.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the college selection process. With the abundance of information available today, what’s always been a challenging process is now even more complex and confusing.  You can count on a Certified Educational Planner (CEP) to be informed about the issues that matter when applying to college, as well as to graduate or professional school, or searching for summer or gap year programs. A CEP simplifies this daunting process by serving as a dispassionate resource to help determine realistic options. Here’s how COLLEGECHOICE can help:

  • Advance planning for college
  • Personal attention throughout the process
  • Realistic choices
  • Organizational help
  • Knowledge about the process and the colleges

Tina Heiman, principal consultant at COLLEGECHOICE, provides thoughtful and thorough guidance to high school students and young adults as they move into the next stage of their lives, from college through career. She helps students get organized and establish realistic priorities. Together, we will search for the best match, with the goal of finding many wonderful choices where each student will be happy, excel and thrive.